Rx for Oklahoma Program

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RX Assistant / Customer Service Representative
Crystal Craig

Phone: (918) 756-2826
Fax: (918) 756-6829

When submitting Rx service documentation, please submit in the following order:

1. Application Cover 

2. Client Contract

3. Application for Services

Thank you!

Services Intake & Survey

Please submit an Intake Form by downloading the Excel document to sign up for our services.

Were you satisfied with one or more services we provided? Consider submitting a Services Satisfaction Survey.

Counties Served:

Okmulgee, Okfuskee, McIntosh, Hughes, Muskogee

Assistance with the cost of prescription medication through contact with drug manufacturers and the many special programs they offer to provide low income families or individuals with no-cost or low cost medications.

Are you a first time or repeat client? Please consider submitting one of our surveys:

Rx for Oklahoma – First Time Client Survey                         Rx for Oklahoma – Repeat Client Survey

Contact Us
Have a question about one of the services we offer? Send us a message and we'll reach out to you!